Explore stone walls through the lenses of natural and human history during the next meeting of the Olde Bristol Garden Club Thursday, March 13. (Courtesy photo)
The next meeting of the Old Bristol Garden Club will be held Thursday, March 13 at the Second Congregational Church, 51 Main S. in Newcastle. The meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. with a short business discussion. Dr. Cheryl Laz will then talk about stone walls in Maine.
In Maine, and New England generally, stone walls are one of the most enduring reminders of the past. They line country roads, border cemeteries, mark edges of fields, and wind through the woods. Sometimes stone walls seem to be in the middle of nowhere.
Laz’s talk will explore stone walls through the lenses of natural history and human history, paying attention to geology, glaciation, and patterns of human settlement and land use.
Laz is a Maine Master Naturalist, serves on the program’s board of directors, and helps organize courses to train volunteer nature educators. She is also professor emerita of sociology at the University of Southern Maine and a stone wall enthusiast.
Following the program, tea and cookies will be served by this month’s tea committee: Deb Arter, Carol Rice-Dempsey, Marion Mundy, and Amanda Miles. All are welcome and new members can join at any time. If local schools are closed due to inclement weather, the meeting will be cancelled as well. For more information follow Old Bristol Garden Club on Facebook.