The National Library of Health and Healing in Waldoboro is pleased to announce an upcoming community forum called “Mainers and Medicines for Mental Health.” Dr. Marcia Smolin, a well-known local psychiatrist, will be the featured speaker.
The event will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at noon at the National Library of Health and Healing Community Education Center, 181 Jefferson St., Waldoboro. There is no fee for this event. Light refreshments will be provided.
Mainers love water. “Wicked” is an integral part of their vocabulary. They drive long distances with ease and good nature, put up with snowstorms with nonchalance and a big inhaled “yeah,” have deep appreciation and love for the beauty of their state, and – thanks in no small part to the Down East spirit, a can-do attitude, and “ayuh” to life – Maine ranks in the top 10 states (eighth) in the country for mental equanimity in addition to prudent mental health care.
Biopharmaceutical research companies are developing more than 140 new medicines to treat myriad old and new mental disorders.
With the incursion of psychotropic medications into one’s life, Mainers are rightly asking the following questions:
1. Are there known biological causes for mental illnesses?
2. Is “chemical imbalance” of the brain a myth or reality?
3. How does one rate the validity of the diagnostic system?
4. Do psychiatric drugs cause altered mental states?
5. Are antidepressants more beneficial than placebo?
6. Are there long-term outcome studies?
7. Are there long-lasting negative effects from psychotropic drugs?
8. Are the negative effects of psychotropic medicines often misdiagnosed?
9. Is psychiatric drug withdrawal disabling?
10. Should children be medicated?
The above is a partial list of questions sent by local citizens for the forum.
Smolin is a board-certified psychiatrist in Augusta. She will give a bird’s-eye view of the mental health treatment in America, starting with the discovery of lithium salts for mania in 1949 to the current regimens, and will also address the community queries.
In addition to the above questions, Smolin will answer a query from the artistic community of Maine.
Please note: Seating is limited to 30. Contact the co-convener, Jeanette Wheeler, at or phone/text 617-953-8994 to reserve a seat for this event.