On Sunday, June 10, all veterans are invited to join other veterans and take a Boothbay Harbor cruise aboard one of the area lobstermen’s lobster boats or one of Captain Fish’s tour boats – great camaraderie while enjoying the most scenic harbor in Maine!
It all starts at the Tugboat Inn Marina at 9 a.m. with coffee and refreshments to get the day going. After the ride, a cookout will be held on the tugboat’s deck. There are still plenty of seats available; call Phil Chapman at 380-7020 or email chapmanmax@msn.com to sign up. If one does not sign up ahead of time, one should come down to the Tugboat Inn and Chapman will likely find an opening.
This event is free.
The American Legion will be having its annual yard sale on Boothbay Common on Saturday, July 21. A 10-by-20-foot space costs $20. This year, the American Legion Auxiliary will be having a craft fair on the Common at the same time. Doors open at 8 a.m. Hot dogs and hamburgers with all the trimmings, sides, baked items, beverages, and many other delectable will be available. Reservations are now open. For the yard sale, contact the American Legion Hall at 633-4487. For the craft fair, contact Mary Ellison at 208-6066. Space will be on a first-come, first-served basis and all payments will be made at the event.