Medomak Valley Senior Citizens came together on Monday, Oct. 16, at the North Nobleboro Community Center, located at 554 Upper East Pond Road.
Shirley Prock opened the hall up at 9:30 a.m. and bingo started at 10 a.m. Mary Peaselee won the special bingo prize. Nancy Post won the door prize. Jennie Feyler said grace before lunch.
After lunch, Norma Sproul, Nancy Gordon, and Gladys Glidden judged the winners of the Halloween contest. Seven members dressed up. The Halloween party always brings a lot of laughter and many comments. It was nice to see everyone having a good time.
Toni Olgivie won the guessing game, coming the closest to guessing how many candies were in the jar. Sproul and Olgivie won a couple other gifts. Two fall flower arrangements were raffled off and won by Beverly Jewett and Feyler.
The meeting was called to order by Marion Whitmore. The seniors said the Lord’s Prayer, saluted the American flag and sang “God Bless America.” The secretary’s and the treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
New officers were elected for 2024: president, Whitmore; vice president, Joni Gatcombe: secretary, Sproul; assistant secretary, Elsa Seeger; treasurer, Henry Post; and assistant treasurer, Jewett.
The group agreed on bag lunch for the next meeting and invited anyone who can make pies to do so for the seniors to sell for $2 a slice. The seniors voted to up the door prize sign in from 50 cents to $1. Membership for the year is still $5.
The group discussed moving meetings for the next year, but everyone voted they would like to continue to use the North Nobleboro Community Center. Prock is going to check to see if that is possible.
The only requirement to join the Medomak Valley Senior Citizens is members must be 55 years of age or older. Come and enjoy the group, join in and take part in the events, bingo, great food and desserts too, and help make Medomak Valley Senior Citizens a special place for seniors to come and make friends.
The next meeting of the Medomak Valley Senior Citizens is Monday, Nov. 6. Come, enjoy, bring a friend, and don’t forget to bake a pie. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. and bingo starts at 10 a.m.
For more information, call Gatcombe at 832-5745 or Sproul at 380-3004.