In the near future, the Waldoboro Food Pantry will be making significant changes in its overall operation, including changes in the pantry’s location and the day the pantry is open.
Because of an increase in the number of people seeking food, an increase in the volume of groceries needed, an increase in the volume of perishable produce, and for other reasons, the pantry physically has outgrown its present location. The pantry unilaterally has decided to move to a new location.
Details about the new location, the change of day, and other matters will be released in a later article to this newspaper.
The new location is on Jefferson Street. Access to the new location will be gained through the large parking lot at the back of the building. A decision will be made later about the day of the week the pantry will be open.
Ample information will be given later about what clients will need to do.
During the move, the pantry will be in need of four to five folding tables, five to six folding chairs, a refrigerator, and other items.
Anyone wishing to donate any of these items may do so by calling 785-4782 or 975-0396 and making the necessary arrangements.
Until the pantry makes a move, its operations will continue as before.
The food pantry will continue to provide food the first and third Thursday of each month.