The Waldoborough Historical Society is pleased to announce that it wants to do its part to help the environment with the ongoing plastic bags issue. So, our latest fundraiser is a Port Authority reusable grocery/book bag. The bottom of the bag opens out to a wide square bottom; the bag holds a lot of items.
Bags may be purchased for a $12 donation, plus $5 for postage and handling if one wants a bag mailed: WHS, P.O. Box 110, Waldoboro ME 04572. Contact Bill Maxwell at 790-1307 or send him a message on Facebook for a time when he will be at the museum.
This offering has been made possible by eight Waldoboro businesses.
Funds will go toward repairing damage done to the Hauck/Bailey Building by this winter’s snow, ice, and heavy rainstorm. Drainage ditches must be dug around the building to save artifacts from water damage. The building was built 50 years ago on a slab with little or no drainage; time has caught up with it and now people must act to save the fantastic collections that have been donated to the museum’s care.