On Thursday, Nov. 8, our program will be called “The Pilgrims Have Landed,” so please join us at 7:30 p.m. at Willow Grange 366 at 71 Washington Road, Jefferson, up the road and across the street from the school and town office. Our potluck supper begins at 6:30 p.m. Bring food to share.
Oct. 8 found us learning about Old Farmer’s Day via skits and jokes. We also discussed the 18 resolutions to be voted on at State Grange Convention Oct. 18-21.
Oct. 25 was”Monster Mash” night and we had an informal meeting and got to meet our new county deputies, Holly and Bert Welch, of Tenants Harbor; they don’t have guns, just information.
Why was the graveyard noisy? There are too many cough-ins.
Other stories, skits, and games were used for this program.
Thinking good thoughts for member Hazel, who had a fall.
Community service for Christmastime was discussed. Laurie won a photo contest at the state convention with her picture of the pie table at a public supper. Raffle winners for the evening were Mary, Sharon, Linda, Elsa, Bert, Deborah, and Chris. Prizes were candy, eggs, or tissues.
The State Grange calendar is now available for $8 and we got a sneak preview.
County (Pomona) Grange is Nov. 10 at Huntoon Hill in Wiscasset.
If you need a raffle ticket, or six, for our Thanksgiving food basket, call Elsa at 549-3949.