The Friends of the Waldoboro Public Library and the Waldoboro Public Library are pleased to present astrophotographer Mike Taylor to start the 2020 speaker series. The presentation will take place Saturday, Jan. 11 at 1:30 p.m. at the Waldoboro Public Library. Taylor’s slide show and presentation includes stunning photographs of the night sky, and he will be discussing his work in detail.
Taylor has been a landscape and studio photographer for over 20 combined years and counting. He is an artist, a philosopher, a musician, a movie buff, and a self-proclaimed connoisseur of beverages made from malted barley and hops.
Taylor works with his wife, Sonia, who has been involved in creative writing, marketing, and public relations in one form or another for over 20 years, working in publishing, advertising, retail and auctions. She enjoys reading, history, antiques, movies, traveling, and micro-brewed beer.
Taylor Photography’s landscape astrophotography and scenic/nature images and articles have been featured on NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, Huffington Post, The Weather Channel, NBC News, Viral Nova,,, Down East magazine, UNILAD, Outdoor Photography Magazine, Yahoo! News,,,,,, and multiple other science websites and social media pages.
Taylor is also a contributing member of the International Dark-Sky Association and he has been working in conjunction with the organization to help raise public awareness of artificial light pollution and its negative effects on human health, wildlife, safety, and energy waste.
Observing and photographing the features of the night sky is an awe-inspiring experience that so few people ever get to enjoy. The atmosphere of the night, the sights and sounds, are so very contrary from normal daytime hours that it is literally a different world — a radical world of diffused light, excessive shadows, and noises that one will simply never see or hear when the sun is up. These existential awakenings will spark one’s inner child to marvel at the world again. There is so much to see, so much to hear, so much to enjoy during the dark hours of each day — the moon, the stars, the Milky Way, the occasional meteor, and the spectacular Northern Lights displays.
This program is free and open to the public. Waldoboro Public Library is located on 958 Main St. in Waldoboro.
Mike and Sonia Taylor’s children’s book “The Secret Galaxy” will be available for purchase and signing for $18. For more information, call 832-4484.