On a dark and foggy night in September 2020, the beloved SeaGull Shop and Restaurant, on Pemaquid Point, burned to the ground. Owners Tim and Betsey Norland and Brooke Cotter have been working hard to restore it for the summer season. However, construction delays, not the fault of the contractor, are continuing to occur. From a requirement for a completely new septic system, with a wall surrounding it, to delayed and damaged supplies from a ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal, unanticipated extra expenses and delays are slowing progress. Many of the locals and visitors who have frequented the area yearly are all anxiously awaiting the re-opening and want to assist in achieving this goal.
A benefit concert to assist the SeaGull owners will be held at Pemaquid Beach on Monday, July 12, starting at 5:30 p.m. Jud Caswell will be performing that evening, as he has done for many Mondays at the old SeaGull Shop. The Beach Snack Shack will say open late to make food available from the menu; so, come join the fun, have supper, make a donation, and help support our neighbors.