For the final week of the 2022 season, the Saltwater Artists Gallery features Pat Higgins.
Higgins creates mosaic pictures made with PVC plastic. It is a complicated process starting with the cutting of the PVC by hand or with a CNC router and scroll saw, painting, gluing to a hard surface, grouting, and finishing. The finished picture looks nothing like the PVC with which she started.
More mosaics can be viewed on the website A published author, Higgins has also written a book “Hidden History of Midcoast Maine” with topics ranging from 1620 to World War I, which is also available at the gallery.
The last day the gallery will be open is Saturday, Oct. 15, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Saltwater Artists Gallery is located at 3056 Bristol Road, Route 130, New Harbor, 1/4 mile before the Pemaquid lighthouse.