The gouache titled “Great Blue Heron,” by Judy Nixon, is at the Pemaquid Group of Artists show currently at Pemaquid Watershed Association’s office-gallery.
To help welcome spring, the art on the walls of the Pemaquid Watershed Association office, located at 584 Main St. in Damariscotta, features a variety of artists, subjects, styles, and mediums. The office-gallery’s show is hosting the art of 15 members of the Pemaquid Group of Artists through Friday, May 12. This talented group of Midcoast Maine artists includes Hannah Ineson, Diane Dolan, Claire Hancock, Judy Nixon, Peggy Farrell, Sally Loughridge, Paul Sherman, Deb Arter, Kay Sawyer Hannah, Will Kefauver, Jan Kilburn, Marlene Loznicka, Stephen Busch, and Patti Leavitt.
The Pemaquid Group of Artists’ mission is to provide a venue for qualified area artists, enrich the cultural environment for area residents and visitors, and foster and support art education through financial donations. The group comprises up to 30 members and seasonal guests who display their work from June-October at the Pemaquid Art Gallery in New Harbor.
The Pemaquid Group of Artists is donating a generous portion of the proceeds from exhibit sales to support PWA’s mission of conserving the natural resources of the Pemaquid Peninsula region through land and water stewardship and education.
Since 1966, Pemaquid Watershed Association has been a member-supported, volunteer-driven nonprofit organization. For more information, call 563-2196 or go to pemaquidwatershed.org. The PWA office is open weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For more information about the Pemaquid Group of Artists, go to pemaquidartgallery.com or call 226-0974.