Newcastle architect Tor Glendinning (left) looks on as civil engineer William Gartley explains a site plan for a housing development on Vine Street in Damariscotta during the Damariscotta Planning Board meeting on Monday, April 4. (Maia Zewert photo)
A local developer is moving forward with plans to build a 10-unit housing development on Vine Street in Damariscotta.
Newcastle architect Tor Glendinning and civil engineer William Gartley, of Gartley & Dorsky Engineering & Surveying, presented the proposed layout of the development to the Damariscotta Planning Board on Monday, April 4.
Glendinning and Gartley represent Xavier Cervera, a developer and part-time Round Pond resident. Cervera owns The Harbor Room restaurant in New Harbor and The Standard of Newcastle condominiums at 75 Main St. in Newcastle.
Cervera originally appeared before the planning board in May 2015 to discuss his plan to build a 12-unit housing development on the 2.17-acre property, with the possible addition of 12 more units if he could purchase an adjacent property.
The plan Glendinning presented April 4 would include 10 cottage units with a maximum of 750 square feet each. Each unit would have two parking spaces available. The development would also include a community meeting room that residents could use for gatherings.
“The units would be too small for something like large family get-togethers, so this would provide a space for that,” Glendinning said.
A storage building, which would include a 5-by-10-foot storage space for each unit, is also included in the plan.
Glendinning said each of the condominiums would be sold. Buyers would own the homes, and an association would be created to manage the land and the road.
During his previous visit, Cervera said he believed senior citizens would be the primary buyer, however, Glendinning said that is no longer the case.
“I don’t believe he has a specific target market in mind,” Glendinning said.
Glendinning said he hopes to return to the planning board for the May meeting with a formal application.