Since the beginning of April, Rising Tide Co-op has been producing meals for Lincoln County food pantries. Everything from American chop suey to smothered beef and onions to sweet and sour tofu have been on the menu and, where possible, have utilized local ingredients.
As of mid-August, 6,500 meals had been distributed. Accompanying the meals have been side salads and micro-greens from Morning Dew Farm and Ciabatta Rolls from Hootenanny Bread. Some of the other sources have included Wee Bit Farm, Goranson’s Farm, East Forty Farm, Lakin’s Gorges Cheese, Caldwell Farm, Bondeson Farm, Stoneciper Farm, and ingredients distributed by Native Maine and Crown of Maine.
Recently, through a collaborative effort with Lincoln County Food Initiative, additional side dishes have been produced and included with the meals provided to the five pantries the Co-op serves. These have included coleslaw that utilized cabbage sourced from Twin Villages Food Bank Farm. By working together, outreach efforts throughout Lincoln County are beginning to streamline offerings and build a sustainable system.
Community members interested in helping prepare, package or deliver meals from Lincoln County Food Initiative can contact or