The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $3,458,802 for health initiatives across Maine.
Serving Maine and Lincoln County for over 140 years
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $3,458,802 for health initiatives across Maine.
Tidal power company representatives spoke to Wiscasset selectmen Tuesday about a proposed research pilot for potential future green electric generation on the Sheepscot/Back River.
Proud parents Steve and Leslie (Pinkham) Daroche announce the birth of their son, Samuel Walter Daroche, at birth weighing in at eight pounds, 14 ounces, on May 18.
Investigators are still reviewing information in the case of a hit and run driver in the death of Loren St. Cyr, 20, of Jefferson on Sept. 20.
Planners of Whitefield’s 2009 Bicentennial voted to include fireworks in the festivities next summer.
The 2008 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Damariscotta was a huge success, bringing in (and announced at the event) the preliminary amount of $120,000.
A statewide emergency test will take place this Saturday involving ham radio operators throughout the state including Lincoln County. The test will simulate a computer virus attack that causes national communications and utilities outages.
Looking toward Whitefield’s Bicentennial Celebration in 2009, Charlie Miller is hoping there might be some town money for a couple of improvements at Arlington Grange.
An alternative use for expensive thermal imaging cameras area fire departments now use for fires could well end up helping homeowners during a potential heating crisis this winter.
A free responsible seller training session for owners, managers and employees of stores and businesses in Lincoln County that sell alcohol will take place on Wed., Nov. 5, from 12:30-5 p.m., at Bintliff’s Ocean Grille in Edgecomb.
The second 2008 candidate forum hosted by The Lincoln County News took place on Oct. 22, and the remaining candidates in the county appeared and voiced their views on the issues important to Mainers going to the polls on Tues., Nov. 4.
A Jefferson resident and business owner faces up to $500,000 in fines and up to eight years imprisonment for tax evasion and impeding the Internal Revenue Service as a result of an Oct. 15 verdict from the U.S. District Court.
The Fed Up With Taxes Coalition, which advocates for the repeal of a beverage tax enacted by the legislature in April, continues to collect robust donations from a range of sources, most of them restaurant chains or beverage peddlers.
Wiscasset Town Clerk Sandy Johnson was arrested last Thursday on a class B charge of theft by deception related to an undisclosed sum of money believed to be connected with motor vehicle registrations.