Desiree and Daigan McKusic, of Friendship, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Chevy Alexander McKusic.
Abigail Marion Hilton
Jessica and Nathan Hilton, of Damariscotta, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Abigail Marion Hilton
Adam Marcus Bailey
Theresa Marie Taylor and Mark Daniel Bailey, of Jefferson, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Adam Marcus Bailey.
Jaxon Joseph Hogan
Siara Jean Harrington and Jeremiah K. Hogan, of Waldoboro, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Jaxon Joseph Hogan.
Devin Lucarelli
Rachel Austin and Branden Lucarelli, of Waldoboro, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby, Devin Lucarelli.
Clara Joan Hanna
Bronwen and Theodore Hanna, of Pemaquid, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Clara Joan Hanna.
Layla Lynn Thiboutot
Sonya and Dustin Thiboutot, of Boothbay Harbor, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Layla Lynn Thiboutot.
Connor Matthew Eugley
Kate and Matt Eugley, of Nobleboro, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Connor Matthew Eugley
Lucas Michael Bowers
Niki Lemar and Andrew Bowers, of Dresden, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Lucas Michael Bowers.
Dana Victor Rollins
Felicia Love Dunson and Christopher Mark Rollins, of Monhegan Island, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Dana Victor Rollins.
Devin Lucarelli
Rachel Austin and Branden Lucarelli, of Waldoboro, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby, Devin Lucarelli.
Henry Owen Canterbury
Jazmine Richardson and Andrew Canterbury, of Waldoboro, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Henry Owen Canterbury.
Avery Michael James Robertson
Rebekah M. Robertson and Michael P. Robertson Jr., of Dresden, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby boy, Avery Michael James Robertson.
Marlee Christine Friant
Jan B. Friant and Cole M. Friant, of Nobleboro, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Marlee Christine Friant.