To the Editor:
We are concerned that the Damariscotta Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee are recommending Damariscotta residents vote to discontinue municipal funding for Spectrum Generations.
Serving Maine and Lincoln County for over 140 years
To the Editor:
We are concerned that the Damariscotta Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee are recommending Damariscotta residents vote to discontinue municipal funding for Spectrum Generations.
To the Editor:
The citizens of Waldoboro have a wonderful opportunity to hear the views, priorities and visions of the candidates for the open seats on our select board.
High school graduations, by their very nature, are bittersweet affairs. For the graduates it is a celebration of their life’s work to date; the formal demarcation between childhood and their launch into the great wide world.
To the Editor:
We have been struggling for the past year in Round Pond. Our village has tried to unite over the purchase of the last buildable lot facing our harbor. The people of Round Pond are skeptical that we can reach our goal of $380,000 by the middle of July this year!
It is said, by some who have moved around America, that racism is more blatant in the North than it is in the South. According to those sources, you are more likely to encounter outright, hostile racism in the North than you are in the South.
To the Editor:
The Round Pond Village Improvement Society (aka RPVIS) is trying to purchase the “Lupine Field” so it will be kept open and available for all. It is the last piece of unbuilt land on the harbor.
To the Editor:
I recently attended a baseball game for 12- and 13-year-olds in Nobleboro and was heartbroken by the conduct and performance, not of the boys, of the adults. I watched a parent not only yell at a player about his hitting, or lack thereof, but also shove him several times, leaving the boy in tears.
The Pew Research Center recently conducted a brief survey asking “What is a parent’s responsibility” in terms of what they leave the family as they age, and what is the responsibility of the children in the care of parents when and if it is needed?
The Knowlton-Russ Cemetery would still be in the shadows if not for the efforts of numerous volunteers. In addition to those mentioned in Mr. Dodge’s recent article, several others lent their expertise to the project.
I am a true Wiscasset native in all senses. I was born just off Water Street over 60 years ago, and the Wiscasset Public Library soon became my favorite place to visit.
Our taxes are paid according to a mil rate determined by the cost of maintaining our town. The mil rate is multiplied by the assessment of your property value.
A good story, as any storyteller knows, involves some sort of conflict.
Last week Damariscotta residents vetoed the proposed $1,713,896 secondary school budget. We don’t blame them really.
The recent commentary by Haley Holland Graves (“Autism awareness through the eyes of a teen,” 04/23/15 LCN) prompted me to learn a few things about autism.