Kyle John Aikens, 25, Poland, failing to make oral or written accident report, Dec. 10, 2017, $250.
Mark J. Boynton, 58, Richmond, marine worm digging without license, Jan. 24, $150.
Rhonda M. Burns, 46, Boothbay, operate while license suspended or revoked, prior, April 13, $750.
Andrew Campbell Jr., 18, Union, failing to make oral or written accident report, May 30, $500, restitution $500.
Lucinda Chances, 64, Boothbay, failure to register vehicle, June 2, $100.
Alexander N. Crawford, 21, Bristol, aggravated assault, domestic violence assault, priors, March 28, both dismissed (insufficient evidence).
Taylor R. Delano, 18, Wiscasset, attaching false plates, April 19, $150; operate vehicle without license, April 19, $150.
Roy Elliott Sr., 50, Waldoboro, operate vehicle without license, May 22, $150.
Andrea L. Gray, 50, Bristol, false registration of deer, Oct. 28, 2017, $300; possess unregistered deer, Oct. 28, 2017, $300.
Kim Guptill, 57, Bristol, possess unregistered deer, Nov. 25, 2017, $300; false registration of deer, Nov. 25, 2017, $300.
David H. Herron, 20, Waldoboro, OUI (alcohol), May 19, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 72 hours, license suspended 150 days; motor vehicle speeding, 30-plus mph over speed limit, May 19, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
James Houghton, 44, Waldoboro, operating while license suspended or revoked, May 25, $250.
Michael J. Lewis, 68, St. Petersburg, Fla., operation of defective vehicle, Jan. 24, $250.
Matthew Little, 30, Nobleboro, OUI (alcohol), March 23, $500, license suspended 150 days.
Kevin Longo, 58, South Bristol, operating motor vehicle under the influence, Sept. 18, 1988, dismissed (insufficient evidence).
John K. Nelson, 31, Wiscasset, two counts allowing dog to be at large, March 4, $50 each count; two counts allowing dog to be at large, March 30, $50 each count.
Edward Parlin, 62, Jefferson, two counts hunting deer after having killed one, Nov. 27, 2017, $1,000 each count, Two Bridges Regional Jail three days.
Thomas Pinkham, 49, Jefferson, negotiate a worthless instrument, April 18, restitution $45.63; negotiate a worthless instrument, April 20, $250, restitution $58.36; negotiate a worthless instrument, April 21, restitution $40.63; negotiate a worthless instrument, April 22, restitution $38.38.
Ethan Reed, 19, Friendship, reckless conduct, March 15, Knox County Jail five years all but nine months suspended, probation two years, restitution $886.87; criminal mischief, March 15, Knox County Jail 90 days; criminal mischief, March 15, Knox County Jail 90 days, restitution $411.87; criminal mischief, March 15, Knox County Jail 90 days, restitution $75; shoot from motor vehicle, March 15, Knox County Jail 90 days; discharge firearm or crossbow near dwelling, March 15, Knox County Jail 90 days.
Natalie Francis Robbins, 26, Bath, failure to register vehicle, April 6, $150; operate while license suspended or revoked, prior, May 20, $750.
Alexander L. Smith, 25, Edgecomb, minor possessing liquor, April 15, $200; transportation of drugs by minor, April 15, $200.
Lori Lynn Storer, 56, Bristol, operate vehicle without license, May 30, $150.
James Taylor, 54, Newcastle, operating while license suspended or revoked, June 2, $250; attaching false plates, June 2, $250; displaying fictitious vehicle certificate, June 2, $150.
Bernard Vigna, 65, Bridgton, OUI (alcohol), May 6, $500, license suspended 150 days.
Travis C. Wallace, 37, Phippsburg, violating condition of release, June 28, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days.
Jacob R. Walmer, 31, Whitefield, violating condition of release, June 11, dismissed (insufficient evidence).
Rainer M. Wucherer, 57, Bath, operate greater than headway speed, June 10, $100.