The following property transfers were recorded recently at the Lincoln County Courthouse in Wiscasset:
Boothbay: Damariscotta Bank & Trust Company to Egg Properties LLC; Allen Lewis to Robert J. Campbell and Vicki L. Campbell;
Boothbay Harbor: Ellen J. Tremblay and Judith J. Sykes to Ellen J. Tremblay and Judith J. Sykes;
Bristol: Suzanne S. Fossett to Frederick Allen Laskey and Donna Jean Laskey; Meredith J. Fossett to Frederick Allen Laskey and Donna Jean Laskey; Meredith J. Fossett, Michael J. Fossett, and Brandi L. Vassiliou to Frederick Allen Laskey and Donna Jean Laskey;
Damariscotta: Edward R. White to Daria C. White; James M. Morgan Tr., James M. and Jill A. Morgan Family Trust, and Jill A. Morgan Tr. to James M. Morgan Tr., James M. And Jill A. Morgan Family Trust, and Jill A. Morgan Tr.;
Dresden: Barbara L. Perkins to Bruce N. Lilly and Deborah A. Fox; Bruce N. Lilly and Deborah A. Fox to Barbara L. Perkins;
Edgecomb: Rachel E. Thayer to Meredith Johnson;
Jefferson: Jillian M. Reynolds and Jillian M. Stebner to Donald Silkey and Sally Silkey; Lori A. Evans and William Evans to Lori A. Evans Tr., William S. Evans Tr., and Evans 2016 Funding Trust; Mary E. Lambert to Bonita Louise Merrill and Kenneth Edmund Merrill; Curt Rivard to Philip R. Morneault and Jennifer A. Morneault; Edward J. King and Carlene S. King To Scott A. Brooks and Allison G. Brooks;
Newcastle: David G. Laflamme and Susan E. Laflamme to David G. Laflamme and Susan E. Laflamme;
Nobleboro: Brian G. Hallowell to Brian G. Hallowell and Michele G. Hallowell; Mobius Inc. to Matthew Hapach and Terry S. Hapach; Frederick R. York to John F. York;
Waldoboro: Mary E. Lambert to Bonita Louise Merrill and Kenneth Edmund Merrill;
Wiscasset: Greg Lemar to William Linwood Groder and Lysandra Lee Lembo; Barbara A. Kipp to Sandra J. Kipp; DDAP II LLC to LMR Realty Trust LLC; Adams Pond Enterprises LLC to Eve A. Jamieson.