Flanked by House Reps. Lisa Miller, and Wendy Pieh; Lincoln County Commissioner, Bill Blodgett; David Flanagan, former president and CEO of CMP and his wife, Valarie, Chris Johnson announced his candidacy for State Senate District 20 on April 10 in front on the Newcastle Publick House. In spite of the sudden blast of cold weather, the terrace of the Publick House was filled with a crowd of enthusiastic supporters.
Johnson was introduced by former employer, David Flanagan, former CEO of Central Maine Power, General Counsel to the U.S. Senate investigation of Hurricane Katrina and a former partner at Pierce Atwood in Portland.
“Chris is exactly the kind of person Maine people need in the state legislature during these extremely difficult times” Flanagan said. “I have worked closely with Chris in the past, and have come to respect and admire his excellent analytical skills, his deep commitment to the best interests of the people of Maine, and his high ethical standards.”
After an expression of gratitude to those who surrounded him, Johnson opened his remarks by declaring, “together we can shape a new vision for Maine’s future that works with and embraces the changes that are occurring in the world today – a vision to solve the pressing problems of Jobs, the Economy, and preparing our children to prosper in that future.”
Johnson described changes that have occurred and the many industries downsized or lost in Maine since his grandfather Everett was a youth in Cumberland – when navigation was by sextant and automobiles were started with a crank.
He said, “We must seize the potential of the 21st century. This age of rapid innovation and global competition also offers unprecedented opportunity. Many of the jobs of the next decade have not been invented yet.”
Noting his new grandson, Calum, who was born exactly 110 years after his grandfather, would not know a world without alternative energy, hybrid cars, smart-phones, Facebook and Hulu, Johnson said, “We pass to our children and our grandchildren a rapidly changing world.
“I want to ensure that Maine can seize new opportunities to grow its economy and improve our quality of life by building on the changes in ways consistent with Maine values.”
Johnson said he believes, “the full potential of the Internet should be available to all Maine citizens;” He has carried out this commitment through his work on the Governor’s broadband access infrastructure board, work organizing a Somerville Broadband Committee and leading a successful ConnectME grant application with Midcoast Internet Solutions, and by sharing examples and advice to help people in Jefferson do the same.
On the economy, Johnson spoke about the need to attract and create innovative businesses and industries in Maine “that create new jobs and new opportunities that embrace Maine’s unique character, its natural resources, its strong work ethic, and the quality of life that is so important to us all.”
He said the importance of alternative energy and energy conservation is the next sector for economic growth, just as information technology has become an important sector today.
Johnson cited his experience as chair and member of the Somerville School Committee, on the Sheepscot Valley RSU #12 board, and helping his two daughters through school, that have provided insight into the strengths and weaknesses of Maine’s school systems.
Johnson stressed the importance of skills such as “critical thinking, collaborative problem solving, good communication, practical application of math and scientific processes, and a commitment to lifelong learning.” He affirmed, “As your senator, I would work to reform and rededicate educational goals and methods to instill employable skills for the 21st century in students of all ages.”
Johnson ended on a personal note, saying that 25 years ago, he and his wife, Valarie, built their home in Somerville, where they raised their two daughters. In January, they welcomed their grandson into the family.
Johnson said, “All our children and grandchildren deserve a bright future right here in Maine, and I will work hard to make that happen. Valarie and I and our family are committed to this campaign. We hope that you will join us in this exciting endeavor.”