Their work keeps them busy during the spring as well: rescuing squirrels that have fallen from trees, abandoned fox kits, baby porcupines, groundhogs, fawns, coyotes, raccoons, turtles, et al. The very young ones have to be bottle-fed day and night until they are healthy and strong enough to be returned to the wild.
On backyard wildlife camera watch each day and night since spring, I’ve photographed a few of these released ones. I feel certain that some of them must have taken up residence here in Sheepscot.
However, the squirrels at my squirrel-proof bird feeders have not been at all grateful for their rescue. They frolic and chase each other up and down the trees on my property and, more often, go round and round the trunk of the large maple tree on the other side of the kitchen deck.
However, after their fun and games, they always end up at one of the bird feeders, eating until they look as if they are about to pop. At times they take naps in the feeders. Other times they hang upside down eating a treasured seed.
It is an entertainment.
Raccoons visit the feeders every evening. I am the most generous person, who leaves the corn out for them. Fresh and shucked.
Betsy and Kathy fill important roles in the cast of animal caretakers at the Lincoln County Animal Shelter. I am so grateful that they are in our Lincoln County animal-caring community.