Bear baiting and trapping is a moral issue that has become a political one. “All Four Feet” must not stay out of this issue. All the pros and cons of bear control in Maine have been aired on television, in letters to the newspapers, and in debates by fair Maine hunters and those who call themselves hunters. Hunting in Maine is a tradition. Torture is not. Folks have taken sides. It comes down to a political yes or no to a moral question on the ballot Nov. 4.
Foxes and wolves have been known to chew off a leg to free them from a tortuous trap. Bears are unable to do even this.
“All Four Feet” for many months has used the words “our paws are out” to help raise funds for the Lincoln County Animal Shelter.
This week the phrase is repeated to call attention to bears’ paws.
“Our paws are out.” Dog paws are out. Cat paws are out. People’s hands are out pleading for everyone to imagine one single bloody bear paw caught in a malicious trap. Our paws and hands are out to imagine one dog writhing in pain after being cuffed by a terrified bear.
Think of your pet’s paw in a trap. Think of your own foot in a trap. The pain for a bear is excruciating. They have feelings. Yes, they cry.
Some argue they will vote “no” because they think it means wildlife managers will no longer have the authority to shoot a marauding bear. Even if this is true, I believe this could be managed and new guidelines issued to resolve this.
However, nothing excuses lacing the grounds with junk food to lead a bear to a cruel trap. Let us begin here.
Fair is fair.