Alternative Organizational Structure 93 Supt. Steve Bailey issued corrected figures for the 2013-14 Jefferson education budget, late Wednesday evening.
In an email message, Bailey said previous figures given to The Lincoln County News did not include correct amounts from the regular instruction and special education categories, leading to inaccurate calculation of the percentage change from the current year’s budget.
At their Jan. 30 meeting, the Jefferson School Board Budget Committee decided to further reduce the budget, Bailey said.
“The reluctant determination to return the IVF [insured value formula] to 5 percent – from 10 percent – was made by the board,” Bailey wrote. “This removed $46,557 from the budget. Additionally, a four-student contingency for public/private school students who may move into Jefferson was reduced to 2. This reduced the budget by an additional $18,100.”
Bailey said new budget figures would be available later in the week.
The budget committee will formally act on the revised budget Monday, Feb. 4, at at 6:30 p.m. at the Jefferson Village School.
The Lincoln County News will report fully on this story in our next print edition.