Dr. Craig Jurgensen, the soon-to-be superintendent of the Central Lincoln County School System, said he is excited to soon be living and working in a “beautiful place that values education.”
The AOS 93 Board hired Jurgensen as the school system’s new superintendent Tuesday, April 10.
The board voted to elect Jurgensen for a one-year contract beginning July 1, pending certification verification.
“I have experience with a similarly structured school district – five schools, five school committees – and a lot of solid community support for education,” Jurgensen said in an interview. “I hope I can bring this together so we can address district needs and capitalize on strengths.”
Jurgensen is currently the superintendent of the Hampshire Regional School District in Massachusetts. He has been in the position for nine years.
His wife, Judy, is the director of curriculum and planning at Holyoke Community College, and they have two daughters.
Jurgensen, originally from Iowa, graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in special education. After graduation, he was enlisted in the U.S. Navy from 1972-1975.
Jurgensen then worked for the Lincoln County school system in Newport, Ore. as a special education teacher. He sees the recurring county name as a good sign for the new position, he said.
Jurgensen received his master’s degree from the University of Oregon in 1981 and a doctorate from the University of Massachusetts in 1991, both in special education.
He has also worked for the Massachusetts Department of Education, and as a special education director for the Northampton Public School District.
“An adventure is what we are looking for,” Jurgensen said of the upcoming move to Maine. Jurgensen has a brother who lives in Boothbay.
“Every school district is different in terms of its place in the community, the aspirations parents have for their children, the teaching and learning that goes on in classrooms, and how it all fits together. I’m a collaborative superintendent who believes everyone involved has something to offer,” Jurgensen said.
“My first task will be to meet people and get a sense of what’s important and what makes AOS 93, Central Lincoln County School District, work and how its place in each community is defined and valued,” Jurgensen said.
At the same meeting, the AOS 93 Board elected Business Manager Rick Kusturin to an expanded position of assistant superintendent of schools for business.
Ann Hassett was hired as the director of curriculum, assessment, and instruction, and will start July 1.
June Gallant’s contract as the director of food services was renewed, along with Pam Sperry’s as director of adult education and Sue Fossett’s as director of special education.