Robert Bouchard, the superintendent of the Central Lincoln County School System, has been named one the state’s outstanding educational leaders by the Maine School Superintendents Association.
The award was given for his outstanding work on behalf of his students, his community, and his profession.
“It is kind of nice to be chosen for this award by your peers. It means a lot to me. It felt good,” said Bouchard.
The Maine School Superintendents Association cited Bouchard’s work to improve literacy instruction in the classroom and in the community. They praised his role in helping to start an alternative education program in the middle school to reduce the dropout rate in high school.
In addition, he played a key role in the creation of the Mid-Coast Professional Development Association.
The superintendents praised his work on their funding committee, his chairmanship of the Maine School Management Association Property and Casualty Trust, and his service as the liaison to Maine Administrators of Services for Children with Disabilities Association.
Bouchard is president of the Mid-Coast Superintendents Association and is a member of the executive committee of the Maine School Superintendents Association.
Bouchard was one of six superintendents honored for his leadership.