Architects discussed bricks, flooring, and room locations as part of a public forum discussion during a regular Jefferson School Board meeting Wednesday night.
Oak Point architects reviewed a draft of the concept design for the proposed new school in Jefferson with school board members, members of the building committee and town citizens Feb. 4.
They showed the schematic of where the main school building might best be located on present school grounds in relation to ball fields and parking areas. The bulk of conversation revolved around the design of the two-story building itself.
Public comment drew concerns over the size of the gymnasium, cafeteria and library. Much of the discussion focused on brick-and-mortar issues still being worked out on paper.
There will be at least one more public forum on the concept design for this state funded new school project, followed by a straw poll.
The next forum will be held on March 4, during the regular school board meeting at the Jefferson Village School at 6:30 p.m.