The Great Salt Bay School Committee and school officials honor committee member William “Bill” Thomas during his last meeting March 9. Front from left: school committee members Stephanie Nelson and Angela Russ and Great Salt Bay Community School Principal Kim Schaff. Back from left: school commitee member Mark Doe, Central Lincoln County School System Superintendent Steve Bailey, and school committee members Conor Smith, Thomas, Brent Hallowell, and Joshua Jacobs. (Maia Zewert photo)

Bill Thomas attends a meeting of the Great Salt Bay School Committee. Thomas is stepping down after nearly 10 years of service on the committee, in addition to 17 years with the Bremen School Committee. (Maia Zewert photo)
A 17-year member of the Bremen School Committee and nearly 10-year member of the Great Salt Bay School Committee is stepping down.
Bill Thomas, 73, of Bremen, attended his last Great Salt Bay School Committee meeting on March 9.
Thomas was the chairman of the Great Salt Bay School Committee in 2014-2015 and the vice chairman for a number of years. He was on the policy committee and the professional growth and performance evaluation steering committee for four years and was on many negotiations committees.
AOS 93 Superintendent Steve Bailey praised Thomas’ commitment to both the Bremen School Committee and the Great Salt Bay School Committee.
“Bill is very thoughtful, reflective, and has brought wisdom and patience to the board. His support has been for quality learning and quality teaching. He has been a terrific advocate for the school,” Bailey said.
Thomas said he first got involved with his local school prior to his move to Bremen in 1999, when he was living in Michigan and working with the school’s parent-teacher organization and educational foundation, a group that raised money for local schools.
He said his involvement with the parent-teacher organization in Michigan began when his youngest son entered the school system. When he moved to Lincoln County, he wanted to stay active in education.
“I just wanted to stay involved in a local school system. It was an interest I had and somewhere I felt I could make a contribution,” Thomas said.
Thomas said he is looking forward to spending more time playing tennis and building boats.
He also said he is proud of how the GSB committee handled the budgetary complexities caused by a reduction in state funds a few years ago.
“It was really good to have the community support us for what was a very difficult time,” Thomas said.
Thomas said the school committee met with parents, teachers, and town officials to discuss details of the budget.
“It was a hard thing, but we tried hard to take into account the feelings of each of these groups, and remarkably, I think each of them felt we did a good job,” Thomas said.
Thomas said no one took out papers to fill his position on the town’s school committee, but in a letter to the editor of The Lincoln County News, he urged voters to support write-in candidate Sharon Marchi during the election on Saturday, March 26.