The Bristol Board of Selectmen, at its Sept. 26 meeting, scheduled a special town meeting for Wed., Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. at the town office.
The purpose of the meeting is to ask voters to approve taking up to $86,000 from surplus to pay a contractor to remove and replace an overboard discharge system at Bristol Consolidated School.
The Department of Environmental Protection would reimburse the town half of the sum.
Bristol contractor Hanley Construction Inc., of Bristol, submitted the low bid of $66,870 for the job. The Bristol School Committee will vote on whether to approve the bid at its monthly meeting, Wed., Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. in the BCS library.
The $86,000 figure also includes $9041 for design costs and an approximately $10,000 contingency.
The replacement of the existing system with a septic system on municipal property abutting the school will address citizen concerns and help ensure the health of Pemaquid River clam flats, AOS 93 Superintendent Steve Bailey said.
The town expects the job to be complete before the ground freezes.
The winning bidder for another property, off Benner Road, later rescinded his bid due to an apparent misunderstanding. The selectmen have yet to decide how to proceed with the second property.
The town foreclosed the properties, neither of which includes homes, after the previous owners did not pay property taxes for two or more years and did not respond to the town’s inquiries.
Chairman Chad Hanna said the selectmen would send Witte a letter thanking him for his time and dedication to the job over the years.
The selectmen then appointed Kyle Emerson, of Nobleboro, animal control officer.
Emerson replaces John Prior, who was appointed in May but was unable to continue in the position.