The Bristol Board of Selectmen voted to dispose of three tax-acquired properties at public sale at its July 11 meeting.
The selectmen will decide the method and date of the sale, as well as other details, at a future meeting.
The properties include 27 acres of land off Old County Road, 1.6 acres off Chickadee Lane, just north of Pemaquid Point; and a 0.5-acre parcel with a garage on West Biscay Road.
Town Administrator Kristine Poland said the town has been unable to contact the owners of the properties.
In other municipal business, the selectmen agreed to pay The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers a $320 license fee for performing rights.
The fee covers live music performances, such as those at Olde Bristol Days.
Selectman Bill Benner called it a “music tax” and voted to authorize the payment “under protest.”
In other Bristol news, Marriner Inc. has finished paving Long Cove, Martha Beck and Pemaquid Harbor roads.