Illustrations by renowned Newcastle artist Glenn Chadbourne adorn a new edition of “The Stephen King Companion,” a comprehensive overview of the legendary horror master’s life and career by George Beahm.
Beahm, who has written several books about King and his work, has extensively revised this third edition of his “Companion.”
Rather than producing a scholarly review of King’s work, Beahm describes his role as that of a bandleader arranging his various sources into a comprehensive narrative.
“Taken together, all the voices form a symphony of words about King, his life, and his work, and give a much broader perspective than simply a single voice,” Beahm said.
The book is illustrated with full-color artwork by Micheal Whalen and black-and-white line drawings by Chadbourne. Beahm said both artists were selected due to their previous associations with King.
On his website,, Beahm said Chadbourne’s work was commissioned especially for this book.
“I specifically wanted to highlight the work of a Maine artist on this project, and Glenn was my only choice: I wanted him and no other,” Beahm said. “Fortunately, he was available, and his work graces the book.”
Chadbourne said he was happy to do the work and thrilled by the exposure.
“Well, this one will be the largest mass market print run I’ve been involved with, and I’m uber proud to be included,” Chadbourne said. “I might add the local bookstore can snag copies anytime for people who might like a copy. It’s on Amazon, at Wal-Mart and all major booksellers on the planet.”
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