Val Coolong, President of the Board of Directors of the Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce, has resigned from the Damariscotta Planning and Advisory Committee (DPAC) after about two months of membership.
DPAC Chairman Robin Mayer reported the resignation at the Nov. 17 meeting of the Damariscotta Board of Selectmen. Selectmen appointed Coolong at their Sept. 1 meeting.
“I asked [the Chamber] to appoint a new member,” Mayer said. “They do not feel they have the time to do it.”
Eight of DPAC’s 20 seats are currently vacant, Mayer said. DPAC is seeking volunteers for the empty seats and particularly hopes to attract members from health care, non-profit and real estate organizations.
“We care deeply about what happens in Damariscotta,” Coolong said in a Nov. 19 phone interview. “It isn’t that we don’t have the time – it’s a question of the appropriateness.”
“It would be nearly impossible,” Coolong said, to accurately represent the collective opinions of the Chamber’s 300-plus members.
Coolong and other board members will continue to review DPAC meeting minutes and attend meetings when DPAC is considering a specific issue pertinent to the Chamber.
The role of the Chamber, Coolong said, is to “support the direction the community – the residents and the businesses – wants to take” with regards to form-based codes and the Piper Commons development.
“I just haven’t had time, to be honest with you,” Zinser said. “I think it’s a worthwhile process.”
“My door is always open,” Zinser said.
“The people that work downtown – it was easier for them to go to the coffee shop,” Mayer said.
“I would be very willing to consider this in the next budget,” Chairman Dick McLean said. “In terms of treating all agencies equitably, we are going to have to decline this time around.”
The town accepts requests from non-profit agencies on an annual basis. “I’m concerned about opening a door” for mid-year requests, McLean said.
“Bah Humbug,” Selectman Dave Wilbur said after the vote.
According to the Chamber, Santa Claus and other dignitaries, including The Grinch, the reformed thief of Hollywood fame, will visit Damariscotta Sat., Nov. 27.
The light was set to flash mode for about two days before the repair could take place.
The operation of the light has been the subject of discontent for some Damariscotta residents.
In other business, selectmen unanimously appointed George Parker to the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission to fill a seat vacated by Zinser.
Zinser will be out of the office Nov. 23-26. Damariscotta Police Chief Steven Drake will be the ranking town employee in Zinser’s absence.