Charles Colgan, economist and University of Southern Maine professor, will detail his outlook on the economy at Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission’s Annual Meeting on Thurs., March 1, at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay. The annual meeting is open to the public, and is from 5-7 p.m. in the new Education Center at CMBG.
Professor Colgan currently holds the Russell Chair in Education and Philosophy at USM and is a Professor of Public Policy and Management in the Muskie School where he teaches economics, policy analysis, economic development, and courses in analytic methods.
He is chair of the Community Planning and Development Program and Associate Director of the USM Center for Business and Economic Research and the University of Maine System Center for Tourism Research and Outreach.
Prior to coming to USM, he served 12 years in the Maine State Planning Office, including positions as Maine State Economist and Special Assistant to the Governor for International Trade.
Colgan received his B.A. from Colby College, and Ph.D. from the University of Maine. Publications include (as co-author) “State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies,” “Energy Efficiency, Business Competitiveness, and Untapped Economic Potential in Maine,” and “The Two-Edged Scalpel: Health Care and the Rural Economy.”
The LCPRC is Lincoln County’s economic development and land use/transportation planning organization. The meeting will highlight LCRPC activities and projects, and the board will hold a brief business meeting. There is no charge to attend, but please RSVP by calling 882-5152 or email