The CLC YMCA in Damariscotta is in their last phase of raising funds for a six-lane swimming pool. “The Y is happy to announce that they have raised $1.3 million of a $1.7 million goal,” Executive Director Craig Wilson said.
“The Y is committed to starting the project as soon as we reach $1.7 million. We are challenging the community, businesses and the public to build the pool they have always wanted,” Wilson said.
In December, the YMCA received their DEP permits, a process that took eight months.
Wilson estimates the site work to prepare for building the pool will take at least 60 days. Part of the process is to contain runoff groundwater on the three-plus acre site.
Plans call for building three retention ponds to corral the runoff from the parking area, the existing roof and the new pool roof.
The playground will be moved to the north side of the Y, “behind the outfield fence on the third base line. That will allow us to increase our parking lot by 25 places,” Wilson said. The new parking spaces will be located at the site of the current playground.
The plans call for 28 new spaces for a new total of 119.
Wilson hopes to start the next phase of the pool construction project this spring. “The first phase is the site work, which includes landscaping, building retention ponds, earth work in preparation for cement work, moving the playground and expanding the parking lot,” he said.
The Damariscotta Planning Board approved the site plan for the addition at their meeting Jan. 7. The board will review the proposed building next month to determine whether it complies with Damariscotta zoning.
Newcastle architect Tor Glendinning, who also serves on the Central Lincoln County YMCA board of directors, described the building as an inexpensive, pre-engineered steel structure about 24 feet high.
The building will initially add about 15,000 square feet to the approximately 45,000 square feet of the existing facility. Later, the YMCA plans to add a therapy pool for another 1500 square feet.
The addition will provide space for a new lobby and locker rooms as well as the swimming pool.
The YMCA is also switching from a private septic system to the Great Salt Bay Sanitary District sewer system as part of the project.
The CLC Y will hold an open house on Thur., Jan 17 at 6 p.m. “to give the public a chance to take a look at the new DEP permit plans.”
The open house will give the community an opportunity for “further input into what they would like to see their pool be,” Wilson said.
“I am confident this is going to happen this year. 2013 is the year for the pool. If we meet our [fundrasing] goals we will start as fast as the bids come in,” Wilson said.
“We will be at the mercy of contractors’ time lines and the weather,” Dennis Anderson, chairman of the Y’s Board of Directors, said.
“It is an exciting time to be involved with the Y, with the addition of Waldoboro [the facility at the previous A.D. Gray School] and pulling that community into the Y and all the Y brings. As long as this community has waited, in 2013 all their aspirations will come to fruition,” Anderson said.
“This Y is closer than ever to this long sought after project. We want our message out there. If anyone is interested [in seeing the pool built this year] come on Jan. 17 to the open house,” Wilson said.