Central Maine Power Company is prepared for possible power outages with Hurricane Earl forecast to skirt the coast early Saturday morning.
“We’re well prepared. Our storm response team began preparations early in the week, and we’ve been in frequent contact with the Maine Emergency Management Agency,” said CMP spokesman John Carroll.
“Extra crews will be deployed for Friday night, and all crews will report to work at 5 o’clock Saturday morning. We also have agreements with several contractors to provide extra line crews and tree crews on Saturday morning as well,” he said.
CMP offers customers some simple steps to stay safe and comfortable if power outages do occur.
• Keep the CMP outage reporting number and your account number handy. Your outage report will be registered automatically when you call the outage number: (800) 696-1000.
• Keep battery-operated flashlights and radios on hand, along with supplies of drinking water and non-perishable foods.
• Never use grills or camp stoves indoors – they can give off dangerous gases.
• For customers with generators: Carefully read and observe all instructions in your generator’s owner manual; don’t run a generator indoors, even in an open garage; hire a licensed electrician to install permanent generators and transfer switches; make sure portable generators are properly grounded; don’t store fuel indoors or try to refuel a generator while it’s running; and, refer to CMP’s webpage on generator safety: www.cmpco.com/UsageAndSafety/electricalsafety/GeneratorSafety/default.html
The company urges customers to use caution if they see downed lines.
“If the storm hits, our first concern will be public safety. Everyone should stay clear of any downed power lines and fallen trees along the roadway,” said Carroll. “Downed lines should all be considered live and dangerous. The public should leave the clean-up to our crews, who are trained and equipped to handle these situations safely.”
CMP also reminds drivers to use caution when approaching utility crews in the roadway. The working conditions are difficult, and they will appreciate everyone’s consideration for their safety.
Additional information on storm safety and restoration, including a town-by-town listing of outages in the CMP service area with an area map, can be found on CMP’s website at www.cmpco.com.