The story about the proposed Nobleboro budget printed in the Jan. 31 edition of The Lincoln County News incorrectly reported several items of information. (“Proposed Nobleboro Budget Goes Down Slightly,” Page 13)
The budget committee approved a municipal budget totaling $743,873 at their Jan. 28 meeting. That figure does not include the amount of the education budget requested by the Nobleboro School Committee.
Voters will get the final say on the budget at annual town meeting on Saturday, March 16. Nobleboro will hold its on Saturday, March 16. The secret ballot election on Friday, March 15 is only for the election of candidates and approval of a new fireworks ordinance.
A statement attributed to Mary Ellwell at the Nobleboro Town Office, that all candidates but one had returned nomination papers by the Jan. 29 deadline, was made by Town Clerk Mary Ellen Anderson.
The name of Former Selectman Harold “Bud” Lewis was incorrectly given as Harold Wilson has filed nomination papers for that position.
The Lincoln County News apologizes for these errors.