Sheepscot Valley RSU 12 has scheduled three public hearings to hear comments on proposed changes to the local cost allocation process.
Two meetings are scheduled for the last week in August and one in early September throughout the eight-town district.
Earlier in August, the RSU 12 Board of Directors approved a proposal to change the formula and associated language in the Reorganization Plan, asking the Finance Committee to hold the meetings as required whenever changes are proposed.
The August meetings are Tues., Aug. 28 in Wiscasset at the High School Library and Thurs., Aug. 30 in the Cafeteria at Windsor School.
A final meeting will be held at the Somerville School on Wed., Sept. 5. The meetings will start at 7 p.m. and are expected to run for about an hour.
There will be a brief introduction of important points considered by the finance committee when building the new model including a strong emphasis on “cost per student” as the basis for distributing costs.
Those attending will be able to view the impact of the proposed plan on all towns by comparing the current year’s costs using the present system of historical percentages to the proposed cost per student.
The purpose of the meetings is to gather feedback so that any changes may be proposed to the board at the upcoming September meeting before a final presentation to towns is made in advance of a projected RSU 12 district wide vote on the revisions in November.
Finance committee and board members will be available to discuss the change in more detail and answer questions. The presentation materials will be posted on the RSU’s website, prior to the meeting dates.
For more information call Jerry Nault at 549-7127 or 242-5120.