Sixth District Court
Ralph Avery, 47, of Dresden, burn without permit, waived.
James Baker II, 20, Somerville, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300.
William Ball Jr., 23, Bristol, noncommercial lobster and crab fishing without a license, $180, waived.
Kacy K. Banker, 26, Wiscasset, motor vehicle speeding 30 plus mph over speed limit, $400.
Christopher Benner, 18, Waldoboro, minor possessing liquor, $400.
Amy L. Bissonnette, 26, Mount Vernon, fishing without valid license, $100.
Jeremy A. Brochu, 27, Friendship, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail, 48 hours.
Robert Lee Campbell, 25, Trevett, theft by receiving stolen property, $500.
Douglas J. Churchill, 27, Waldoboro, possession of marijuana, $350; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, dismissed.
Philip F. Cocco, 45, Wiscasset, operate while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
Jackson Cromwell, 16, Westport Island, passing stopped school bus, dismissed.
William Ebling, 56, Newark, Del., operate without safety equipment, $100.
Jeremy W. Erickson, 21, Rockport, rule violation, $100, waived.
Leo P. Evans III, 22, Oberlin, Ohio, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300; domestic violence assault, dismissed.
Ronald Fitts, 50, South Paris, operating without safety equipment, $100.
Philip Griffin, 37, Bath, commercial shellfishing without a license, first, $200.
Tracy E. Grogan, 48, Waldoboro, two counts fugitive from justice, both extraditions waived.
Michelle Harmon, 34, Boothbay, domestic violence assault, probation revoked; protective order from harassment violation, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days.
Jayson T. Hill, 28, Norway, assault, Two Bridges Regional Jail 364 days, all but seven days suspended, probation two years, restitution $1800.
Nicole S. Holt, 33, Damariscotta, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.
Christy A. Lilly, 35, Damariscotta, attaching false plates, $100.
David Manheim, 39, Northeast Harbor, violating protective order, Two Bridges Regional Jail three days.
Linda D. Mills, 53, Wiscasset, possession of marijuana, dismissed.
James Mitchell II, 41, Torrington, Conn., operating while license suspended or revoked; driving to endanger; fail to give correct name, address or date of birth, all transferred to jury trial.
Neal C. Millus II, 21, Southport, two counts furnish liquor to a minor; two counts allowing minor to possess or consume liquor, all transferred to jury trial.
Dennis Murphy, 59, Portland, criminal trespass, dismissed.
Mary M. Murphy, 61, Portland, criminal trespass, dismissed.
James L. Poland, 47, Bristol, violating protected resources, Chap. 75, $200.
Nicholas H. Reno, 21, Brunswick, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300.
Dwayne Kenneth Robinson, 25, Waldoboro, rule violation, $100, waived.
Randall P. Rytky, 19, Bath, assault, transferred to jury trial.
Benjamin H. Sandalow, 19, Washington, D.C., operating without safety equipment, $100.
Olga L. Schmidt, 69, Ocean Pines, Md., operating vehicle without a license, $150.
Christopher V. Seymour, 28, Salem, Mass., operating under the influence, transferred to jury trial.
Peter J. Simonds, 44, Nobleboro, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial.
Darlene Vigue, 41, Waldoboro, domestic violence assault, dismissed.
Gage Wahlstrom, 17, Wiscasset, unlawful use of license, $150.
Wesley E. Winchenbach, 32, Waldoboro, engaging in activities while suspended, $1000.