The restored steeple of the Damariscotta First Baptist Church stands beside its church as the trustees of the restoration committee work to raise the final $75,000 needed to put it up.
“We hope to fly it soon,” said Bob Cain, a trustee of the group that has raised $425,000 so far.
Last week, the trustees met with town manager Greg Zinser and Arron J. Sturgis, president of Preservation Timber Framing Inc., to discuss the final stages of the restoration.
“All we need is $75,000 to put it up and tie the project together. With luck, we will have an answer soon,” said Cain.
“I have a plan. Trust me,” he said.
Part of his plan involves coaxing donors by giving them one of the first chances to ring the 900-pound bell, forged in 1846.
“For $100 or so, they could be one of the first to ring the old bell in the new steeple. Call me,” said Cain.
Construction is complete. The tower is done and painted. A shiny copper weathervane tops the steeple and the huge pine and spruce timbers that will frame the clock box are cut and assembled.
All is ready to go – except for the $75,000.