Starting Tuesday, May 17, April Morrison will open SugarSpell Sweets, a dessert cart, at 202 Main St. in Damariscotta. Morrison, of Damariscotta, will make all the desserts herself. (Photo courtesy Michael Morrison)
A sweet addition is coming to Main Street in Damariscotta.
April Morrison, of Damariscotta, will open SugarSpell Sweets, a dessert cart that will be located at 202 Main St. in Damariscotta starting Tuesday, May 17. The cart will feature homemade baked goods, such as “pie pop
s,” tea cakes, and cookies in “petite portions,” Morrison said.
Morrison, a baker since she was a teenager, has catered desserts at various events over the years, including artist receptions and birthday and anniversary parties. She has been considering opening a business for a few years.
“For about three years, I’ve been mulling over the idea of how I could get started,” Morrison said. “After some personal tribulations this summer that caused me to reflect on my life, I decided it was now or never. I have to at least try and make my dream a reality.”
Morrison decided on a Victorian-style theme for her business based on her own personality. Her brother, Michael Morrison, of Bristol, constructed the custom push-cart. Morrison will also wear Victorian-inspired outfits while operating the cart.

April Morrison, of Damariscotta, puts the finishing touches on her homemade vegan brownies. Morrison will sell homemade desserts from Sugar Spell Sweets, a dessert cart she will open at 202 Main Street in Damariscotta on Tuesday, May 17. (Photo courtesy Leon Vanella Photography)
“I have always believed that if you build from your heart, anything is possible,” Morrison said. “I looked at what truly makes me happy and reflects my personality and quirks, thus the theme was born. As my sister said when she saw the cart for the first time, ‘it’s definitely you.’ Each element that you will see, from the cart to my wardrobe, is a reflection of what lies within.”
The cart will be located on the lawn of 202 Main St., which is home to Acasa Hair Salon. Since the town’s ordinances do not allow public vending on any town-owned property, Morrison searched for a property owner who would be interested in allowing her to use a small portion of the yard.
“Lucky for me, I found one who was enthusiastic about my idea,” Morrison said.
Morrison will operate SugarSpell Sweets by herself.
“This is a one-woman show – baker, sales, and customer service all in one person,” Morrison said.
Morrison said she plans to be open from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The days the cart will be in operation depend on a number of factors, including weather, holidays, and events. Morrison will update the cart’s Facebook page with the schedule.
The price of treats will start at $1 and increase depending on the size and the ingredients used. SugarSpell Sweets will be a cash-only business. Tax is included in the pricing, Morrison said.
Morrison said she enjoys the fact that she is able to bring a smile to someone’s face by doing what she loves and ability to be creative in her work.
“One evening I was at an artist’s reception, and there was a moment that propelled me forward into business,” Morrison said. “I was asked if I was one of the artists exhibiting. When I replied ‘No, I just supplied the desserts,’ I was met with a smile and told ‘then you are, indeed, an artist. You just happen to create in a different medium than anyone else here.’ It was a kindness I’ll never forget.”
For more information, go to facebook.com/sugarspellsweets or sugarspellsweets.com.