Round Top Ice Cream will host its third annual fundraiser for the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk Tues., Oct. 12.
Next Tuesday, the day after Columbus Day, is the ice cream shop’s last day of official business for the season. Round Top will open its doors and give away ice cream all day.
While the ice cream is free, donations are appreciated and all donations will go to the walk.
“We used to walk ourselves and have a team but we go away that week, so we tried to think of something we could do,” Round Top co-owner Brenda Woodcock said. Eventually, Woodcock and her husband, Gary Woodcock – the owners and proprietors of Round Top for 24 years – “decided to have a scoop-your-own day.”
“The more people that come and do that, maybe we can be a part of beating cancer down,” Brenda Woodcock said. “It’s a cause near and dear to our hearts.”
The Woodcocks have “lost a lot of family members to cancer,” Brenda Woodcock said. “I’ve lost a mother and a sister to breast cancer,” she said. Her father and stepfather, as well as Gary Woodcock’s aunt and uncle, have also succumbed to various forms of the disease.
“Everybody is touched” by cancer, Brenda Woodcock said.
Round Top Ice Cream, at 526 Main Street, opens at 11:30 a.m. For more information, call 563-5307.