During their regular meeting Nov 15, the Edgecomb Board of Selectmen refused to answer any questions surrounding a pending lawsuit concerning a gravel pit on Mt. Hunger Road. The issue arose during the public comment portion of the meeting when Edgecomb resident Jarryl Larson pleaded with the Board to disclose details on legal representation.
“It is my understanding that five defendants are named in the suit which would require you to retain separate legal counsel. If an attorney is representing the town it would be a conflict of interest for that attorney to represent you,” said Larson.
Selectman Jack Sarmanian, one of the five defendants named in the suit filed by Edgecomb resident Karen Smith, cited advice from the town’s attorney in refusing to answer.
“We are not at liberty to say anything regarding the lawsuit. This has been the case and will continue to be the case until our attorney says otherwise,” he said.
Larson responded by saying she “was begging the Board with tears in my eyes” to answer the question. The lawsuit accuses the town, road commissioner Scott Griffin, and the Selectmen of intentionally blocking access to a gravel pit owned by Smith on Mt Hunger Road. The suit alleges “malicious” behavior and a series of constitutional trespasses by the defendants.
In other business, Sarmanian provided an update on a Maine Municipal bond acquired by the town to finance the new fire station. According to Sarmanian, the interest bearing, 20 year note, “is in the bank” and being used toward a tentative groundbreaking in early spring.
“We are working with our architect currently to finalize design plans,” said Sarmanian.
The brief 15-minute meeting ended with Selectman Jessica Chubbuck highlighting a toy drive to benefit Holiday Wishes, an organization that provides toys to needy families in Lincoln County during the holiday season. Chubbuck is seeking new and unwrapped toys or cash donations for the drive will place a donation box at the Edgecomb Town Hall in the coming days she said.
Selectmen are scheduled to meet next on Mon., Nov. 22 at 6 p.m.