The Edgecomb Board of Selectmen voted to raise the town’s mil rate from 13 to 13.8 at their regular meeting Sept. 26.
The mil rate was increased to compensate for increased education expenditures, stemming mostly from reduced assistance from the State.
Selectman Stuart Smith said tax bills will be in the hands of Edgecomb residents by the end of the week.
“They’re in the very last finishing stages,” Sarmanian said.
Sarmanian said workmen were completing the station’s apparatus bay and working on finishing touches.
Despite needing to spend $5000 to modify the roof’s ducting and drainage system, Sarmanian said the project remained within budget.
“It’s the best building for the buck I’ve seen in the State of Maine,” Edgecomb Planning Board Chair Jack French said.
Sarmanian said that an open house is in the works and will most likely be at the end of October.
Merry Island Road needs a pole moved by CMP. Due to Tropical Storm Irene cleanup efforts, CMP said it would not be able to complete work on Merry Island Road until June or July.
Smith said that work will focus on Mill Road while the Merry Island Road project is put on hold.
“We’re at the mercy of CMP,” Smith said.
Construction is currently ongoing on a Mill Road hill to change its gradient. The hill is currently unsuitable for emergency service traffic.
An article to allocate $3000 to the Wiscasset Ambulance Service passed unanimously.
The Wiscasset Ambulance Service was forced to ask neighboring towns it services for funds due to budget cuts in Wiscasset.
Though Edgecomb has not funded Wiscasset Ambulance in the past, Sarmanian said that the article was something the town should certainly support.