The solitary bridge in the territory of Hibbert’s Gore presents a danger to motorists and needs repair, a Lincoln County official said.
“The deck of the Hibbert’s Gore bridge needs to be replaced,” Sheridan Bond, the chairman of the Lincoln County Commissioners, said Aug. 2. “If somebody hits it at nighttime, they’re going to go right through.”
“There are holes in the bridge,” Bond said. He believes heavy equipment damaged wood planking on the structure.
“It’s going to need some attention before winter,” Bond said.
Hibbert’s Gore, partially located in northern Lincoln County, has only one resident. The term “gore” refers to a property between towns created as the result of a surveying error.
According to a 2004 Lincoln County News article, the bridge “is known as Big Bog Bridge” and has been the subject of at least one dispute between Lincoln County and the Dept. of Transportation regarding the responsibility for its upkeep.