Wings over Wiscasset was instituted with the help of the Texas Flying Legends Museum to honor veterans and educate the larger community about their service. The event may have been canceled in its third year, but the effort to recognize and honor service members has not.
American Legion Area Cmdr. Stephen Jarrett and American Legion Post 54 Cmdr. Bill Cossette have joined forces to organize a ceremony for veterans, active service members, and their families, despite the cancellation of the larger event.
The American Legion is currently compiling names of active and former service members and their families to honor in an event tentatively planned for a Saturday in August, close to the date when Wings over Wiscasset would have taken place.
Cossette and Jarrett hope to present a certificate from the governor to former and active military members and a blue star flag to the family members of those who have served.
The Blue Star Service Banner dates back to World War I when an army captain designed the flag and placed two blue stars on it in honor of his two sons fighting on the front lines. It became the unofficial symbol for a family with a child or grandchild in the service, according to an American Legion fact sheet.
The tradition largely became defunct following World War II, however, the American Legion is making a concerted effort to rekindle it following the outbreak of the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, and the global war on terror.
The American Legion also hopes to hand out certificates from the governor’s office recognizing active and former service members. “We’re hoping to catch up with our WWII service members before they’re gone,” Jarrett said. “We lose a lot every year.”
They also hope to present the certificates recognizing service members to the families of deceased veterans.
Jarrett and Cossette plan to arrange for an official from the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services to present the certificates and the wife of a past commander to present the blue star flag to family members.
According to Jarrett and Cossette, the major challenge in organizing the event is identifying the active and former service members and their families to honor. Jarrett and Cossette are currently working to compile a list of individuals to present certificates and blue star banners to.
For more information on the event or to provide information about service members and their families to be recognized in the ceremony, contact Bill Cossette at 882-4717.