In addition to a 1.7 percent increase in the local share for the school budget, Nobleboro voters will see slight changes in recommended annual expenditures for 2009 during the annual town meeting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 21 at the Nobleboro Central School.
Nobleboro residents will decide on candidates for selectman, school committee member and road commissioner when they go to the polls on Friday, March 20 at the town office from noon- 6 p.m.
Dale C. Wright and incumbent John York are candidates for one two-year term as road commissioner for the town of Nobleboro.
Incumbent Richard Spear is running for the single open three-year seat as selectman, assessor, overseer of the poor and member of the fish committee.
Joshua Hatch and Thomas Wriggins are unopposed for the two seats on the school committee. Each position is a three-year term.
A total increase of $324 on the proposed Nobleboro town budget for 2009 is reflected by reductions in general administration and building maintenance costs combined with slight increased costs for other items. The proposed budget shows a $700,086 total (up from $699,762 last year).
At $2,803,596, the school budget represents the largest cost to the town, even though this figure is down from $2,909,206 in the 2008 budget. The anticipated $41,702 increase in the local share may change depending on possible stimulus funding from the state, according to First Selectman Richard Spear.
According to the School Union 74 Superintendent’s office, the State Dept. of Education curtailed $70,000 in subsidy revenue earlier in the 2008 budget. The $70,000 is anticipated to be restored this year. Union 74 business manager Adam Hanson said the superintendent’s office doesn’t know when the funds will be restored or what restrictions might be attached to the reinstatement of the funds.
“Until we know the details, we can’t make any plans regarding the budget,” Hanson said. “We have no idea what next year’s subsidy will be, so we try to be conservative in next year’s budgeting.”
The amount of local funds raised from the town as it states on the town warrant is $2,553,386. This includes the local Essential Programs and Services amount required of the town ($2,054,377) and the additional local raise amount ($499,009).
The proposed 2009 budget shows a reduction in the cost to general administration (from $41,507 to $39,738). The cost for building maintenance is also reduced to $26,500 from $36,640 reflected on the 2008 budget.
The increased total town cost of $324 comes from winter maintenance of roads, the fire department, town administration and all other programs. Items that remain unchanged include road maintenance (apart from maintenance during the winter months), hot topping and a final fire truck payment.
Residents will also decide what monies will fund outside agencies such as New Hope For Women, Spectrum Generations and the Healthy Kids! program.
Articles 33 – 35 will ask voters what amount of funding will be allocated to support the Skidompha Library, whether or not to purchase a six acre parcel of land for the Damariscotta Lake Watershed Association and to authorize selectmen to regulate Alewife fishing in town streams.