Jeffrey Larsen stands in the aisle between the pews in the Union Church of South Bristol located on Rutherford Island the morning of Monday, Oct. 16. Larsen has been serving as the interim minister since May while the church searches for a permanent replacement for the post. (Johnathan Riley photo)
For the past few months, Jeffrey Larsen, a retired minister with 50 years of experience in New England communities, has been serving as the interim minister of the 125-year-old Union Church of South Bristol.
Larsen took over for Beth Nutting Hood, the previous minister at the church for 10 years, after she retired in the spring.
A resident of Round Pond, Larsen was approached by the church to step in while the search for a new minister began. According to Larsen, he will hold the position until Labor Day next year, where he and the church will reevaluate.
“They’re hoping to find someone a bit younger than myself,” Larsen said, laughing.
Originally from Lexington, Mass., Larsen attended Bates College in Lewiston, graduating in 1970 with a dual degree in religion and psychology.
He then attended Boston University and earned a master’s degree in theology in 1973, the same year he and his wife, Kathleen, married. In 2023, Larsen celebrated 50 years of marriage and ordination.
Larsen earned a master’s in education from the University of Connecticut, in 1985 and then a professional doctorate in preaching from the University of Chicago in 1995.
“I’m a lifelong learner,” Larsen said. “I really believe in education and its ability to open people to new perspectives.”
Larsen retired from ministry in 2015. He and his wife moved to Maine from Rhode Island, eventually landing in Round Pond where Larsen has family.
“I’ve been going to Round Pond my whole life,” Larsen said. “I have family in the area and my brother lives on Louds Island.”
Larsen said he’s taken with how concerned members of the South Bristol community are with world events as much as they are with what’s happening locally.
“I’ve loved working in the church, I love working with people” Larsen said. “This area is beautiful and the people are wonderful.”
Larsen also loves to travel to new places to gain perspective on the people of the world, and that everyone is a member of “the world’s community.”
“We’re all children of God,” Larsen said. “I believe God created us to be a positive influence in the world.”
Larsen said that his love for working with people and for writing is what kept his curiosity throughout his career.
“I’ve always loved the intellectual challenge of crafting a piece of inspirational writing,” Larsen said.
When he isn’t planning out his next sermon, he’s woodworking, reading, or on his daily five-mile walk with his wife.
Worship is at 10 a.m. on Sundays at the Union Church on 2171 Route 129 in South Bristol. Larsen said the churches doors are open to all.
“Worshipping is one of the most important things we do together,” Larsen said. “Everyone is welcome.”
Those interested in applying for the settled pastor position should send a letter and resume to South Bristol Union Church Search Committee, P.O. Box 59, South Bristol.
For more information, call 644-8242, email ucsb@tidewater.net, or go to unionchurchofsouthbristol.weebly.com.