Updated Sept. 22 at 1:30 p.m.
The agenda for a special meeting scheduled for the Jefferson School Committee today has been revised to include an executive session with the committee’s attorney as the only actionable item.
The meeting is scheduled for today, Sept. 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jefferson Village School.
Whether any action will follow the executive session has not yet been determined, according to AOS 93 Superintendent Steve Bailey.
An earlier version of the meeting’s agenda said the committee was meeting to consider accepting a proposal for completing the baseball field submitted by George C. Hall & Sons.
The field, which has been found to contain glass, metal, oversized rocks, and other contaminants, was built by Hall as part of the new Jefferson Village School and has not yet been accepted as complete.
The items found have raised safety concerns among the committee and the public.
In August the committee rejected a proposal from Hall which included, among other items, providing labor and equipment to replace the infield with material supplied by the school (as was done with the softball infield, which was also contaminated with glass) but not any replacement of the outfield material.
At their Sept. 9 meeting, board Chair Robert Westrich said the AOS 93 central office would be seeking estimates for replacing and seeding the top four inches of the field. The committee hoped to compare the estimates to the $30,000 estimated cost of arbitrating the field issue with Hall.