A total of 17 voters – including nine town and school officials and members of the Jefferson Village School Committee – turned out for a special town meeting to approve the JVS budget on May 16.
Every article on the warrant passed with no discussion.
The only comment made during the meeting came just before the vote to adjourn, when JVS School Committee Chairman Bob Westrich thanked everyone for coming.
“I wish there were more people here, but I guess it shows faith in our superintendent,” Westrich said. He then praised AOS 93 Supt. Bob Bouchard, who is retiring, for his years of work. “He led us through some really tough times.”
Bouchard received a standing ovation, which moderator Don Means said he had seen happen at five different town meetings already this year.
The total budget approved is $4,675,049, an 18.4 percent ($727,217) increase from the previous year’s budget. That increase includes a $700,000 payment for the new school building, which will be reimbursed by the state.
The local contribution in the approved budget is $3,232,714, a 2.6 percent ($82,915) increase over the previous year’s budget.