Following a difficult review process, the staff at Atlantic Motorcar in Wiscasset has selected one out of 70 nominations in the company’s “Keep A Family Rolling” contest.
Atlantic Motorcar owner Bruce Howes identified the winners as a young family in Bath. Citing respect for the family’s privacy, Howes declined to identify the winners by name, although he acknowledged the company supports them should they decide to identify themselves.
“We hope that those who nominated others can appreciate that we want to be sensitive to each person’s situation,” Howes said. “As for the nominations, now that sales and service staff as a team has had an opportunity to review them, the nominations will be destroyed so the privacy of both the nominee and nominator is respected.”
As a result of their selection, the wining family will be able to purchase a green 1994 Volvo station wagon for one dollar. The purchase includes a complete Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings in the trunk.
The winners were selected from among 70 nominations entered into the contest by friends, family or co-workers. Each nomination was read and reviewed by Atlantic Motorcar staff who collectively made the decision.
“Before we get into details, allow me to say that our “Keep a Family Rolling” contest was a very difficult decision for our staff, and not a responsibility that we took lightly,” Howes said. “Each one of those nominations deserved to read and carefully considered, and they were,” he added.
Howes said the contest started slowly but picked up steam after local newspapers and radio stations began to spread the word.
The idea for the giveaway came from the federal government’s “Cash for Clunkers” program, which, Howes said, helped people who could afford a new car and auto manufacturers but did nothing for people who drive a true clunker and need affordable transportation.
“Over the last two months, we’ve heard and read some very heart wrenching stories, but we’ve also been encouraged by the stories of strength, faith and perseverance shown by these good folks,” Howes said. “We’ve likewise been heartened by the kindness of those who have taken the time to write or call and nominate a family member or friend; such times bring out the best in people.
“Our staff has been so touched by the stories of good people, that each has decided to give a gift card, good for a Thanksgiving turkey, to each of the five runners up.”
The Volvo was one of the Atlantic Motorcar’s customer service loaners. It is in excellent condition and should run for many more miles, Howes said.
“We’ve installed new tires, brakes, fluids, and had the car fully detailed to look and drive beautifully, and we will provide regular maintenance for one year to help the new owners get back on their feet,” Howes said.
Howes described the wining family as a young couple from Bath who both work in the customer service industry. The couple is currently raising their two-year-old son in a tiny apartment and work alternating shifts so one of them can stay home with the child.
“Despite these hardships their fellow workers report that they always come to work with a smile and are dedicated to their professions. The nominator noted that the winning nominee is perhaps the most positive person she has worked with, never complains about her situation, and is always an encouragement to others,” Howes said.
“We are therefore delighted to award the Volvo station wagon, one year of free service, and the Thanksgiving dinner to this wonderful family,” Howes said. “Should they choose to come forward, we will of course support their decision, otherwise we appreciate your confidence and support.”
“For those who were not selected, take heart that this is not a one-time thing; we plan on running this event each Thanksgiving as a way of giving back to the community. The needs are deep in the current economy, and Thanksgiving seems to be the ideal time to reflect upon both our blessings as well as the needs of others.”
Anyone desiring more information may contact Atlantic Motorcar at 882-9969.