Volunteers at Kno-Wal-Lin Home Care and Hospice are offering a unique way to honor and remember Kno-Wal-Lin clients who have died. At a family’s request, Kno-Wal-Lin volunteers will fashion a “memory bear” using the fabrics from a client’s life. These can be from a favorite handkerchief, apron, blouse, dress, flannel shirt, jeans, or other cloth material.
Volunteer seamstresses will use pieces from these items in the making of the bear. There is no cost to the client’s family for this gift.
Joy Chamberlin, Kno-Wal-Lin volunteer coordinator, recently initiated this program, called the Memory Bear Project, at the suggestion of Kno-Wal-Lin’s Kathy Hardt, RN.
The family of Charles Leonard Jr., a former Kno-Wal-Lin client, asked to have two memory bears made from one of his favorite shirts. Jeanette Wheeler, KWL Lincoln County Auxiliary member and volunteer, fashioned the bears for his twin daughters.
Kno-Wal-Lin Home Care and Hospice was founded in 1966 and has offices in Newcastle, Rockland, and Belfast. The agency provides skilled home healthcare, including professional nursing services, physical, occupational and speech therapy, social work services and hospice and palliative care.
For more information, please visit penbayhealthcare.org.