Arline Lawless was sentenced to 35 years in prison and ordered to pay $4500 in restitution in Lincoln County Superior Court this morning for her role in the shooting death of 34-year-old Norman Benner of Waldoboro.
Lawless, 25, of Waldoboro, had initially plead not guilty by reason of insanity to a charge of knowing or intentional murder when she was charged in Benner’s death in October 2012. She changed her plea to guilty, during an appearance in Knox County Superior Court June 26.
Lawless fatally shot Benner at a shared residence on Friendship Road in Waldoboro July 21, 2012.
According to an affidavit filed by Maine State Police Det. Abbe Chabot in support of an Aug. 7, 2012 arrest warrant, Lawless told Maine State Police detectives she shot Benner in his sleep after he told her he planned to leave her. Lawless also suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the face.
Lawless was arrested Aug. 15, 2012 as she was being discharged from the Spring Harbor treatment center in Westbrook. According to its website, Spring Harbor is a provider of inpatient services for individuals who experience acute mental illness or dual disorders issues.
According to Chabot’s affidavit, Benner’s body was discovered in his bed by his sister, Kimberly Simmons, on July 23, and reported in a 911 call to Lincoln County Communications Center.
Waldoboro Police Officer Jeffrey Fuller responded and found Benner deceased and Lawless “incoherent and injured” next to Benner, according to the affidavit.
Lawless was subsequently transported to Miles Memorial Hospital in Damariscotta and then transferred to Maine Medical Center in Portland for treatment of her gunshot wound.
A complete story will follow here and in the pages of the Aug. 1 edition of The Lincoln County News.